Geoplin - Petrol
On January 27, 2015 E.ON Ruhrgas International GmbH sold 100% of Slovenia EKOPUR d.o.o. to Petrol d.d., Ljubljana. EKOPUR owns a 7.0947% stake in Geoplin d.o.o., the Slovenian gas transmission and sales company. EPIC acted as advisor to E.ON Ruhrgas in this transaction.
Iberdrola Poland – Energa, PGE
EPIC, together with Crédit Agricole Group, has been advising on a majority sale of a large wind portfolio in Poland. The sold assets include five operating wind farms with a total installed capacity of 184.5 MW plus a project in pipeline.
Iberdrola Germany – MVV
In December 2012 Iberdrola Group announced the sale of its German portfolio of 7 windfarms to MVV Energie AG, which comprise a total operating capacity of 62.9 MW. EPIC Financial Consulting, the investment banking arm of EPIC, acted as advisor to Iberdrola and introduced MVV Energie AG into the limited tender process.
E.ON - Energo-Pro
EPIC and its partner NECA acted as strategic and financial advisors to E.ON AG in the sale of 100% equity interest in E.ON Bulgaria to Energo-Pro.
Spojka Group - Slevomat
EPIC Prague advised the owners of Czech company Spojka Group s.r.o. in the sale of 51% of their shares to Slevomat, s.r.o., the number one group buying internet platform in the Czech Republic. Spojka Group s.r.o. wholly owns zapakatel.cz, the number two group buying internet platform.
EPS - Edison
In an international public tender called by Electric Power Industry of Serbia EPS for the construction completion of lignite-fired thermal power plant Kolubara B the Italian company EDISON was chosen as strategic partner to EPS. In a consortium with ETF (Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Belgrade) EPIC acted as advisor to EPS in structuring the international public tender for the search of the strategic partner.
After Edison's proposal was accepted by EPS in May, EPS and Edison signed an Interim Cooperation Agreement on 30 June 2011, which represents the basis for the continuation of joint activities. A feasibility study is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2012 when the two partners will establish a joint project company.
In its proposal Edison offered optimization of the technical solution with existing equipment and the construction of two units of 375 MW gross each with 37% net efficiency. The equipment will fully comply with domestic and European environmental regulations. For the works performed since the nineteen eighties, when the construction of TPP Kolubara B began, and for the equipment purchased and installed up to now, EPS was offered a 36.4% stake in the new company.
Based on both shareholders equity and staff, Electric Power Industry of Serbia is the largest enterprise in the country. The installed capacity of EPS's power plants amounts to a total of 8,359 MW.
Established in 1884, Edison is Europe's oldest energy company. Today, it is one of Italy's leading operators in the procurement, production and sale of electric power, natural gas and crude oil. The Company has a presence in over 10 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East and employs 4,000 people.
ESU - Ukrtelecom
EPIC Services Ukraine (ESU) acquired 92.79% of Ukrtelecom for 10.575 billion UAH (roughly EUR 970 million). As of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ESU has been registered as new owner of Ukrtelecom. Bank of Cyprus has supported this transaction substantially with a loan.
Peter Goldscheider, EPIC's Managing Partner: "After many failed attempts the successful privatization of Ukrtelecom has happened at last. This comes at a time when other attempts to sell state-owned telecom incumbents collapsed and when many world-leaders look for cost-synergies or un-load assets to establish an acceptable debt/equity-ratio.
We are fully committed to this venture and intend to develop Ukrtelecom for the interest of all stake-holders: government and regulator, clients and employees. A huge task lies ahead of us but we are eager to start this fascinating and challenging project."
Ukrtelecom (http://en.ukrtelecom.ua) with some 70,000 employees and 10 million subscribers is the largest fixed line operator in Ukraine and is unquestionable leader in Internet broadband service with 1.2 million users and with 31% of the market share.
EPIC' subsidiary in Ukraine ESU Ltd. (www.esu-ua.com/en), currently employing more than 300 people, is a "state-of-the-art" telecom services company which provides full maintenance-, construction-, installation-, modernization- and network optimization services as well as warehousing and logistics. ESU's clients include Ukrtelecom, Utel, MTS, Kyivstar, Beeline, Freshtel, Nokia Siemens Networks, Huawei and ZTE.
EPH - Kompania Węglowa
EPIC acted as the lead advisor to the Polish mining company PG Silesia and its lead shareholder – the Czech EPH Group – in the takeover of the hard coal mine KWK Silesia from Kompania Węglowa (KW), the largest company in the EU in terms of hard coal production. With this transaction, KW operates 15 mines and employs more than 61,000 people.
PG Silesia (Przedsiębiorstwo Górnicze „SILESIA" Spółka z o.o.) is an extraction company operating in southern Poland, which was established in September 2009 by the KWK Silesia’s employees. EPH became the company’s lead shareholder in February 2010 through the subscription to the new shares issue. PG Silesia focuses on producing high-quality hard coal intended primarily for the energy sector, and also on coal production for retail customers. In addition to coal mining, it also concentrates on, among other things, providing solutions for environmentally-friendly deposition of energy minerals.
EPH is a long-term strategic investor in the energy sector. It comprises more than 20 companies operating in coal extraction, electricity and heat production, electricity trading and supply, and energy distribution to final customers. In a consortium (50/50) with the ČEZ Group, EPH controls MIBRAG, a German lignite mining company with an annual production of 20 million tonnes of lignite.
EPIC advised EnBW in the acquisition of 41.1% stake in the Czech energy supplier Pražská energetika a.s. (PRE) from ENERGETICKÝ A PRŮMYSLOVÝ HOLDING (EPH) Group. In return, EnBW sold its 24.3% shareholding in the district heating supplier Pražská teplárenska a.s. (PT) to the same EPH Group. The difference in value of the two share packages was settled in cash. EnBW now holds 69.6 % in PRE. The transaction was approved by the EC’s anti-trust authority as well as the Czech national anti-trust authority. With some six million customers and more than 21,000 employees, EnBW is the third biggest energy company in Germany. In 2009, EnBW generated revenue in excess of EUR 15 billion.
Telekom Slovenije - Cosmofon
With the acquisition of a 100% stake of Cosmofon Mobile Telekommunications, Skopje from OTE MTS Holding, Telekom Slovenije secured its market share in Macedonia. Cosmofon was the Macedonian mobile phone unit of Greece's biggest telephon company OTE. EPIC acted as buy-side advisor to Telekom Slovenije. the total value of the transaction was EUR 190 million.
ATLAS CZ, a.s. - Centrum.CZ
EPIC advised ATLAS the third largest internet portal in the Czech Republic and the second largest in Slovakia, in the sale to Centrum.CZ Holding B.V., which was recently acquired by Warburg Pincus (WP). As principal investor EPIC sold its 53% stake (held together with other financial investors) and a 47% stake of management and minority shareholders. As a result WP acquired 100% of the shares of ATLAS. In the fiscal year 2007 ATLAS employed a staff of 150 and increased its consolidated revenue more than 30% to EUR 9 million.
KTK - UPC Czech Republic
EPIC sold its 72% stake in the cable television company Kabelová televize Karviná, a.s. (KTK) together with a 28% stake of management and minority shareholders to UPC Czech Republic, a subsidiary of the Liberty Media Group. KTK was established by EPIC in 2004 as a greenfield project. In 2007 it provided cable TV, internet and phone services to more than 20.000 customers.
Sigma - TBIH Financial Service Group
The EPIC Vienna team, headed by Sascha Merwald, advised Sigma Insurance Company Albania and all its shareholders in the plan to secure a strategic insurance sector investor. 75% plus one share of Sigma was aquired by TBIH Financial Services Group N.V., in which Wiener Staedtische Versicherung AG holds a majority stake.
Sigma was founded in Tirana 1998 and operates in the property insurance business. The company has a subsidiary in Macedonia and a branch office in Kosovo. With a market share of about 19%, Sigma is Albania's third largest insurance company. The transaction valued Sigma at 21.5 million.
EPIC and NECA - a member of the EPIC network - acted as strategic and financial advisor to Eurohold Bulgaria AD in the acquisition of 75% equity interest in Asitrans Asigurari S.A. Romania.
FCC Construccion - Alpine Mayreder
EPIC acted as strategic advisor to FCC Construccion in the acquisition of 80,7 % interest in Alpine Mayreder Bau GmbH, Austria.
Schmidt - Danfoss
Schmidt Bretten Technology (SBT) Romania is one of the leading producers of district heating equipment on the Romanian market. EPIC adviced SBT on the sale of 100% share stake to Danfoss of Denmark
Proficio d.d. - Hrvatski Telekom
Proficio d.d. and minority shareholders sold a 100 % equity interest in Iskon internet d.d. to Deutsche Telekom Croatia. EPIC acted as strategic advisor to Proficio d.d.
FCC S.A. - A.S.A
FCC S.A. acquired 100 % of A.S.A. Abfall Service AG, Austria from EDF. EPIC acted as stratigic advisor to FCC S.A.
Lipomin - Carpatina
EPIC adviced Lipomin on the acqusition of Carpatina from Petrom. With this acquisition Lipomin positions itself as one of the top ranking players on the Romanian mineral water market
Tarmac - CMG Group
Tarmac, with sales of USD 3.8 billion, is a leader in the UK aggregates industry with strong presence in Europe and the Middle and Far East regions. EPIC adviced Tarmac on the acquisition of CMG. This secures a leading postion on the strongly growing Romanian construction market for Tarmac.
Quatro - Triangel
VUB (member of the Italian Intesa Banking Group) acquired 100% of the shares of the Quatro/Triangel Group with more than 400.000 customers and a significan market share of the Slovak consumer finance sector. EPIC acted as exclusive strategic and financial advisor to the Quatro/Triangel Group and managed the sale process.
70 % of Rubin, Krusevac, the biggest wine and spirit producer in Serbia and Montenegro, was sold to to Invej d.o.o. EPIC acted as financial advisor to the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia in this transaction.
GTS - Aliatel
GTS Czech has acquired Aliatel Czech including its wholly owned subsidiary Aliatel Slovakia. EPIC was exclusive strategic advisor to GTS in this transaction.
Stavostroj a.s. - Ammann
Stavostroj a.s., the largest manufacturer of compacting technology in Central and Eastern Europe, was sold to the Swiss Ammann Group.
Eurotel Bratislava
Slovak Telekom, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, acquired 100% of Aliatel Bratislava. EPIC was financial advisor to Deutsche Telekom in this transaction.
Dresdner Bank
EPIC advised Dresdner Bank AG in the sale of Dresdner Bank CZ a.s., its wholly-owned Czech banking subsidiary, to the BAWAG P.S.K. Group.
Dioki - Kemikalije
EPIC advised DOM Holding d.d., SN Holding d.d, and Proficio d.d. In their sale of their majority stake of 50.91% in Dioki d.d. to Hypo-Alpe-Adria Bank, Austria. The sellers and the buyer also agreed on the sale of 99.32% of the capital of Kemikalije d.d.
Caromet S.A. - Iasitex
EPIC advised the Romanian Privatization Agency on the sale of Caromet to a consortium led by Iasitex.
A&D Pharma
EPIC advised A&D Pharma on a debt facility of EUR 15,000,000
Kabelová Televize Olomouc - F.C.A, a.s.
Kabelová Televize Olomouc, a.s. was acquired by F.C.A, as. EPIC advised Kabelová Televize Olomouc in this transaction.
URB Rulmenti - BAD Rulmenti
EPIC advised the Romanian Privatization Agency on its sale of URB Rulmenti to BAD Rulmenti.
City of Prague - Pragonet
EPIC advised the City of Prague in its sale of a 49% stake In the telecommunications company Pragonet to T-Systems International GmbH.
Hiperion Stei - European Food
EPIC advised the Romanian Privatization Agency on its sale of Hiperion Stei to European Food.
Berolina Drug Development
EPIC arranged First Round Financing for Berolina Drug Development, Germany.
Romania Cable Systems
EPIC advised RCS in its acquisition of 100% of Terra Sat.
Romania Cable Systems
EPIC advised RCS on a senior loan facility of USD 25,000,000.
EPIC advised KPN on its divestment of its 16.3% stake in Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC). The buyer, Mobile TeleSystems, Russia's largest cellular operator, further acquired stakes from Deutsche Telekom, Tele Danmark and Ukrtelekom.
DOM Fund/SN Holding/SZI - Konstruktor
EPIC advised DOM Fund, SN Holding and Slavonski Zatvoren Investicijski fond in their sale of the majority shares in Konstruktor to a strategic investor.
SN Holding - Dunavski Lloyd
EPIC advised SN Holding in its sale of the majority share of Dunavski Lloyd to the Management and Hidroplan d.o.o.
SAS Zadar - Hypo-Alpe-Adria
EPIC advised SAS Zadar shareholders on the sale of an 84.6% stake to a consortium led by Hypo-Alpe-Adria. SAS Zadar is the largest marina in Croatia.
Perlmooser - Lafarge
EPIC advised Lafarge on its acquisition of a further 38.6% stake in Cementarna Trbovlje, Slovenia's second largest cement producer.
Lafarge - Beocin
EPIC advised Lafarge on its acquisition of a 70% stake in Beocin cement factory, the largest in Serbia.
Holcim - Novi Popovac
EPIC advised Holcim on its acquisition of 70% of Novi Popovac cement factory, Serbia.
Alen Mak - Nadejda Fund & Celest
EPIC advised Nadejda Fund & Celest on its Sale of 22.3 % of Alen Mak, Bulgarian cosmetics producer.
MTC Rublje d.d. - DOM & SNF Funds
EPIC advised DOM & SNF Fund on its sale of 52.17% in MTC Rublje, a Croatian textile producer.
T-Mobile International
EPIC advised T-Mobile International on the successful acquisition of the UMTS license in the Czech Republic. The license was awarded in December.
Rybnik Power Plant - EDF/EnBW
EPIC acted as local adviser to the EDF/EnBW consortium in its acquisition of a further 16% stake and majority control in Rybnik Power Plant, Poland.
Deutsche Telekom - Hrvatske Telekom
Lead advisor to DeutscheTelekom on its acquisition of a further 16 % stake and thus majority control in Croatian Telekom (HT).
Belvedere - Stone & Rolls
EPIC arranged the sale of a majority stake in Hotel Belvedere, Dubrovnik to an international Investor group led by Stone & Rolls.
EPIC advised KPN regarding its divestiture of its 53.66% stake in PAGI, the provider of data/IP and Internet services in Poland.
Chromos Boje i Lakovi - Helios
EPIC arranged the sale of 61.44% of Chromos Boje i Lakovi, the largest Croatian paints and lacks producer, to Helios of Slovenia.
Romanian Cable Systems
EPIC advised RCS, leading CEE regional CATV operator, on a US$ 25 million financing facility for operational expansion.
Rybnik Power Plant - EDF/EnBW
EPIC acted as local adviser to the EDF/EnBW consortium in its acquisition of a 35% stake in Rybnik Power Plant, Poland.
Vivendi - Prague Water System
EPIC acted as lead adviser for Vivendi on its acquisition of a 66% stake in Prague Water Works.
Mobilkom - Si.Mobil
EPIC advised Mobilkom Austria on its acquisition of a 49% stake in Si.Mobil, Slovenian mobile communications provider.
Babin Kuk
EPIC closed the financing for the largest private hotel and tourism group in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Matav - MakTel
EPIC acted as investmentbank to MATAV, Hungary in its acquisition of a 51% stake in MAKTEL (Macedonian Telecommunications).
Deutsche Telekom - RadioMobil
Advisor to Deutsche Telekom on the increase of Cmobil B.V. Consortium's stake in RadioMobil a.s. to 60.77%, CZE
Deutsche Telekom - Slovak Telekom
Strategic advisor to Deutsche Telekom on is acquisition of a 51% stake in Slovenské Telekomunikacie Slovak Republic.
Atlas Internet Portal
EPIC invested in Czech Republic's most successful Internet portal, Atlas.CZ, a.s. www.atlas.cz.
Prague Energy Holdings
EPIC structured the sale of stakes in Prague's municipal energy companies to Ruhrgas, RWE and GESO, and transformed these joint investments with Prague into energy holding companies.
Pliva - Lachema
EPIC closed an award-winning cross border transaction in which Pliva acquired a 66.67%stake in Lachema.
Deutsche Telekom - Hrvatske Telekom
Strategic advisor to DeutscheTelekom on its acquisition of a 35% stake in Croatian Telekom (HT).