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EPIC's involvement in energy sector advisory projects in CSEE, Turkey and CIS covers power generation and distribution segments just as the value chain of transportation, storage and distribution in the gas sector. EPIC offers advisory services for privatization, joint ventures and investments and arranges related complex financial transactions.

E.ON Ruhrgas International GmbH sold 100% of Slovenia EKOPUR d.o.o. to Petrol d.d., Ljubljana. EKOPUR owns a 7.0947% stake in Geoplin d.o.o., the Slovenian gas transmission and sales company. EPIC acted as advisor to E.ON Ruhrgas in this transaction.

E.ON - Energo - Pro
EPIC and its partner NECA acted as strategic and financial advisors to E.ON AG in the sale of 100% equity interest in E.ON Bulgaria to Energo-Pro.
Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS)
In an international public tender called by Electric Power Industry of Serbia EPS for the construction completion of lignite-fired thermal power plant Kolubara B the Italian company EDISON was chosen as strategic partner to EPS. In a consortium with ETF (Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Belgrade) EPIC acted as advisor to EPS in structuring the international public tender for the search of the strategic partner.
Rybnik Power Plant - EDF/EnBW
EPIC acted as local adviser to the EDF/EnBW consortium in its acquisition of an additional 16% stake and majority control in Rybnik Power Plant, Poland.
Prague Energy Holdings
EPIC structured the sale of stakes in Prague's municipal energy companies to Ruhrgas, RWE and GESO, and transformed these joint investments with Prague into energy holding companies.
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